
Practising passé composé using être

Today we completed cahier pages that reinforced using être in the passé composé.
Tomorrow we will continue working on the FSE.

Steven reads en français.



We have learned how to form the passé composé with être.  This requires one more step - agreement.
In order to recognize which verbs take être, you must learn DR MRS VANDERTRAMP.

We have been working diligently on our FSE in class.

Did I hear only 10 more school days left on the announcements this morning?

Spencer and his grade one friend


Le futur proche et le futur simple

We have completed the study of how to express an action that will take place in the future.
We will have a test of the future simple on Friday, May 25.
Everyone did well on our quiz on the futur proche!

Tavarius and his grade 1 friend


Unité 3 - Les monstres!

We began unit 3 today. 
I  returned unit 2 tests today and distributed a printout of your marks to date.
Please have your parents sign your mark sheet. 
This is my way of communicating your progress with your parents.

Felicia reading to her grade 1 friend.


Unit test Thursday!

We will be having a unit test on Thursday.
-le vocabulaire de l'unité
-comment faire le passé composé
-les participes passés irréguliers
-les mots interrogatifs
-les verbes suivi par de ou à

There will also be a listening component to the test.

Halley and her grade 1 friend


Unit vocabulary

It's time to tackle the unit vocabulary!
There will be a test early next week, so don't wait to cram!

Are you getting more comfortable with the irregular past participles?
Hopefully you recognize the verbs that are irregular.  Yes, you must
memorize the past participles.


Nick reading to his grade 1 friend


Unit tâche - une petite présentation

Today we talked about the unit project for Cris et frissons.
In groups of three we will play out one of the scenarios on the handout.
To do:  choose your group and scenario.
The presentations will take place next Friday, May 11.

If you haven't already started, take chunks of the vocabulary sheet to
commit to memory.  A vocabulary test will  likely take place
some time next week.


Ashley enjoys a book with her grade 1 friend.


On a fini la page web!

After today's class you should have the web page ready to be marked.
Make sure that you hit the "publish" button so that I can access it.
It can still be edited even after it's published so continue to polish it and
add required details during the weekend.

Don't get backlogged with grammar packages!  The grammar package "au présent"
MUST be submitted on Monday.  The same package "au passé composé" is due
on Tuesday.  We also have cahier pages 33A and 34 that must be completed
for Monday.

Bonne fin de semaine!

Malika reading to her grade 1 friends


Les devoirs du cahier

Today we had a few pages to complete in our cahiers:
pages 31, 32. 33 et 34  
Time was given in class to get started and ask any questions.
It is now homework!

The laptops are booked for Friday to complete our Unit 1 project.
You'll need your Voki, tagxedo and "journée idéale" ready to go.

Type out your "journée" page at home using your "extended" keyboard.
Typing ALT + 130 = é.
Try out other combinations to get different symbols.

Stefan reading with his grade 1 friend


Passé composé irréguliers

Today we added about 20 verbs whose past participle is irregular and therefore
must be memorized.

Start learning the vocabulary from the list we looked at together in class today.
Break the list into chunks and learn a chunk a day.

Bilal with his grade 1 friend


Jour de congé demain!

Use the extra day off to get caught up:
a)  record your Voki
b) create a tagxedo
c)  create a Weebly account
d)  verb package "au présent"
e)  verb package "au passé composé"

Don't forget that the Book Fair will be ongoing Monday and Tuesday of next week.
There are some good titles available, so bring in funds to purchase them.

Spencer with his grade 1 friend

Mme Muscedere


Parent-teacher interviews tonight!

I hope that I have the opportunity to meet your parents tonight!

Tomorrow, we have some students participating in the field trip to see
 Monsieur Lazhar at Lakeshore Cinema.  I hope that vous vous amusez!

Remember to complete your review package of verbs in the present tense for

We are also getting computer time to complete our Weebly.

A demain!
Mme Muscedere

Alex J. with her grade 1 friends


Voki due Thursday, April 19

Please record your "description de moi-même" at home. 
Please see me if you need to borrow a pair of headsets. 
Your recording is due Thursday, April 19. 

Make sure to answer questions #1-8 in your text (page 23)
regarding our young entrepreneurs.

Here we are with our Grade 1 Friends from Mme Pearcey's class!


Vocabulary test Friday!

Take the time to study your Unit 1 vocabulary
There will be 10 English words to translate into French
and 10 French words to translate into English.

Finish cahier pages 16 and 17.

For those you have not submitted your draft of your ideal/horrible day, it is LATE. 
Make sure it is submitted tomorrow.

Parent-Teacher interviews are Wednesday, April 18.

Mme Muscedere


Bonnes Pâques!

Enjoy a well-deserved long weekend!
We have been tying up loose ends:  Smart Ideas project now completed and
moi-même descriptions are now submitted.
If you are so inspired, you could get started on having your Voki "speak"
your moi-même description. 
It's easiest to do this in the privacy of your own home. Re-record until you are

Joyeuse Pâques!
Mme Muscedere


Reflexive verbs - cahier exercises

Because of the shortened period (our anti-bullying assembly), there was only time
to start the following:  Cahier pages 187- 189 Partie D, E, F, et G.
Please complete it for homework!

Mme Muscedere


Focus on: reflexive verbs

We are still continuing to work on les tâches from yesterday's post. 
Use the feedback from the Smart Ideas project, and re-submit it when you have made the changes.
The last day to submit the verb project is Thursday, April 5.

The re-test on jouer à, jouer de, and faire de was returned today.  Please see me for
extra help if you still did not do well on the test.

For homework tonight:  list the reflexive verbs from the story.  Put them in the infinitve form.

A demain!
Mme Muscedere


Les devoirs!

Yes, homework will be a reality more often than not for the time being.
We are trying to tie loose ends by: 
1)  completing our Smart Ideas verb review
2)  creating a Voki
3)  taking our Wordle and create a tagxedo.

Homework:  underline and list all the reflexive verbs found on the handout.


Voki at home

After you have created your Voki, please read your "moi-même" description using the microphone feature.
We will import our Voki to our web page along with a new Wordle.

Don't forget to study Faire de; Jouer de; and Jouer à for the re-test on Monday.


La page Web - un voki!

Today we created a voki to add to our web page!  Remember to bring in your draft of your "moi-même" description on Friday, so that you are prepared to have your "voki" read it.
Correct your Wordle so that we can add it to our web page.
I will be collecting "pour commencer" cahiers on Friday so make sure it is up to date.
OSSLT practice and Hunger Games tomorrow!
A vendredi!
Mme Muscedere


La page web - les tâches à faire

We are in the process of completing various tasks that will be part of our individual web pages.
For homework, please complete une déscription de moi-même.
Also, correct your Wordle so that your adjectives are in the proper form or, are not verbs.
Don't forget the short test on jouer à, jouer de, and faire de at the beginning of class tomorrow!

A demain!
Mme Muscedere


Bring memory stick

We've extended our work period for the verb project by one day, BUT, that's it.
If you feel that you will not be finished, please bring a memory stick on Monday
so that you can continue the project at home.
Smart Ideas is available to download.

Bonne fin de semaine!
Mme Muscedere


Ah! Les verbes!

We are going to focus on a review of verbs.  This will involve a project using Smart Ideas.  We have just completed the first of two days that have been set aside for this task. 
Don't forget that there will be a test on:  jouer à, jouer de, and faire de next Wednesday, March 28!
Use the 2 pages in the cahier and the two fiches to review when these verbs are used.
The draft of "moi-même" will be due shortly.  We will need it to begin our webpage.

A demain!
Mme Muscedere


A la tache

Today we talked about the first task required for the final unit project. 
You will be required to write 6-8 sentences describing yourself.
Also, you have a double-sided handout to complete for Friday.  This
handout will help you practise jouer a / jouer de / and faire de.
Don't forget the test on adjectives tomorrow!

A demain!
Mme Muscedere


Cahier work

We have been working diligently in our cahier. 
We will correct pages 186-187 (parts A, B, C) on Monday. Finish the written paragraph on page 9 with a minimum of three sentences.
Today we also chose an easy read book in French from our elementary library!
Practise reading this book so that you will be well-prepared for our visit with Mme Pearcey's gr. 1 class.


Test - Wednesday, March 6

First of all, good job on your Wordle!  There was lots of positive feedback from the display in the library.

We will have a test on adjectives on Wednesday, March 6.
Study the vocabulary (adjectives)  from your "Pour commencer" workbook.
Study the handout (pink) that we did in class today for how to form the feminine and plural of the adjective.

There is an online site that Mme Hlady brought to my attention today:  www.fslhomeworktoolbox.ca

Start translating the verbs on the handout you received today. It will speed things up once we start working on a Smart Ideas graphic organizer.

A demain!
Mme Muscedere


Les adjectifs

We're going to focus on developing our vocabulary so that we can describe ourselves as well as others.
Use the handout as suggestions for adjectives that could describe you. Choose about 15 adjectives.
They need to be translated into French so that we can create a Wordle on Friday.
Felicatations to our girls' volleyball team on an excellent season which unfortunately
came to an end at the hands of  Lajeunesse this evening.
A demain!
Mme Muscedere  


Pas de devoirs!

Enjoy your three-day weekend -- no homework!
1) In order to take advantage of a 2-mark "signing bonus", get a parent to sign the quiz that was returned on Thursday.
2)  We started the first unit in our text today:  Moi-meme  (accent circonflexe on the first e).  We will be learning the vocabulary to talk about ourselves:  what we are like, our interests, etc.
3)  I am marking your "Pour commencer" cahiers this weekend.
Bonne fin de semaine!
Mme Muscedere


Bonne Saint-Valentin!

We ran out of time making our Valentine's Day cards in class today, so the quiz will be returned tomorrow, Wednesday.  If you haven't finished the reverse side of "Masculine/ Feminine", please do so.
We will begin using the workbook in the next few days, so please bring in $15 to get your copy.
A demain!
Mme Muscedere


Pronunciation / Dictionary symbols

I know that they look like Egyptian hieroglyphics, but, phonetic symbols will help you with pronouncing French words.  You will not need to know how to write words using these symbols. 
Also, les devoirs for tonight had you completing the first page of masculine/feminine nouns.
Make sure to search for nm for a "le" word and nf for a "la" word.  Meaning can change depending on the article used.
Use your time wisely and study a "chunk" each night.  Refer to yesterday's post about what is on Monday's quiz.
Bonne fin de semaine!
Mme Muscedere


Bravo, Vista Band!!

Wow, awesome band concert -- I am so proud of the band members!  I thoroughly enjoyed tonight's concert.  Kudos to the soloists too.

Les devoirs:
1) We will have a quiz on Monday.  Things you should review:
  • Le temps --today's handout especially
  • days of the week, months of the year, colours, (reverse of "Louis les accents" handout)
  • les nombres -- yes, spelling counts.  Refer to "les numeros" handout
  • school subjects, instructions and questions (just the one side of the handout we looked at today)
2)  Get your forms signed!
3)  Bring in $15 for your workbook.  I would like to start using it on Monday.

A demain!
Mme Muscedere


Cahier (workbook) is $15

The cahier that supplements our text is priced at $15. 
Please bring in these funds asap so that we can begin to
use this resource.

Administratative forms will be coming home over the next few days.  The Course Information Sheet was distributed today.  Now there are 3 sheets in total that need to be signed and returned.
Les devoirs:
1)  make sure you are familiar with the spelling of the numbers in French along with the "tricky" exceptions to the pattern.
2)  Continue in the review package and complete the verbs.  Work ahead if you have time.
3)  Check out Charles Aznavour's "Formidable" on You Tube.

A demain!
Mme Muscedere



I have just discovered I cannot type my accents on my laptop (mon ordinateur portable)!  But, genial with an accent aigu, means awesome and I hope that you have taken the time to think of more items for our Vista Book of Awesome!

Today's homework/ Les devoirs d'aujourd'hui
a)  practise les voyelles -- a e i o u.  Tighten your lips so that you're not saying oooo, but a sharp u!
b)  get your parents to sign the two forms (the course information sheet will be done soon).  Make note of this blog's address and add it to your favourites.
c)  Completez "les numeros" and the reverse of "Louis les accents".  Work ahead in the package if your schedule allows.
d)  Become a blogger!  It's an awesome way to keep a record of your thoughts.  This site is hosted on www.blogger.com.  Can you think of 1000 awesome things?  See Neil Pasricha's list at 1000awesomethings.com

A demain!
Mme Muscedere



Bonjour, mes étudiants!
I am sorry that circumstances dictate that I am away for the first two days of our semester.
I am at a library conference in Toronto which is really exciting for me!
Please complete your review package for homework.
We will take it up on Monday, Feb.6.
A bientôt!
Mme Muscedere