I have just discovered I cannot type my accents on my laptop (
mon ordinateur portable)! But,
genial with an accent aigu, means awesome and I hope that you have taken the time to think of more items for our Vista Book of Awesome!
Today's homework/
Les devoirs d'aujourd'hui
a) practise
les voyelles -- a e i o u. Tighten your lips so that you're not saying oooo, but a sharp u!
b) get your parents to sign the two forms (the course information sheet will be done soon). Make note of this blog's address and add it to your favourites.
Completez "les numeros" and the reverse of "Louis les accents". Work ahead in the package if your schedule allows.
d) Become a blogger! It's an
awesome way to keep a record of your thoughts. This site is hosted on
www.blogger.com. Can you think of 1000 awesome things? See Neil Pasricha's list at 1000awesomethings.com
A demain!
Mme Muscedere