

We have learned how to form the passé composé with être.  This requires one more step - agreement.
In order to recognize which verbs take être, you must learn DR MRS VANDERTRAMP.

We have been working diligently on our FSE in class.

Did I hear only 10 more school days left on the announcements this morning?

Spencer and his grade one friend


Le futur proche et le futur simple

We have completed the study of how to express an action that will take place in the future.
We will have a test of the future simple on Friday, May 25.
Everyone did well on our quiz on the futur proche!

Tavarius and his grade 1 friend


Unité 3 - Les monstres!

We began unit 3 today. 
I  returned unit 2 tests today and distributed a printout of your marks to date.
Please have your parents sign your mark sheet. 
This is my way of communicating your progress with your parents.

Felicia reading to her grade 1 friend.


Unit test Thursday!

We will be having a unit test on Thursday.
-le vocabulaire de l'unité
-comment faire le passé composé
-les participes passés irréguliers
-les mots interrogatifs
-les verbes suivi par de ou à

There will also be a listening component to the test.

Halley and her grade 1 friend


Unit vocabulary

It's time to tackle the unit vocabulary!
There will be a test early next week, so don't wait to cram!

Are you getting more comfortable with the irregular past participles?
Hopefully you recognize the verbs that are irregular.  Yes, you must
memorize the past participles.


Nick reading to his grade 1 friend